Thursday, June 10, 2010


Someone came back home dead tired. He almost fell asleep while his wife was driving him home.

One thing caught his attention while his wife pulled into the drive way: the door of the apartment above the parking garage seemed open.
(This apartment had had the "for rent" sign out for months, but was still on the market.)

So he limped onto the steep stairs with a knee injury from playing basketball two weeks before, and finally got to see the layout of this apartment.

Curiosity satisfied!

Sis was thinking about keep her hair grow, but when her new born baby pulling her hair for enjoyment, she decided to cut it up.

The good old days of long hair...

Mini Mindy drew this right before i leave work for today,

I guess she wants to be our baby!

Do I want a baby born with glasses?...

Mini mindy's fate.

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